Thought and feeling

Aurelio Torrente

aurelio-torrenteThe work of Dolores Sampol reveals the mastery of an artist who in her extensive work in restoration came to know in depth the work of the great masters of the past. Hence the weighty, rhythmic movement in which she expresses thought and sentiment, as an extremely skilful architect who might take certain structures, as strong as elastic, to their limits of resistance. Wood and the other elements of “collage” are not meaningless; they constitute an almost crystalline structure of the coloristic and geometric masses.

In 1904 Cézanne wrote that it is necessary to represent nature in cylinders, spheres and cones all in perspective. He wanted a theoretical anticipation of cubism to be seen in them.  In the work of Dolores Sampol the geometric forms are instruments which create space, they are “mental” instruments which serve to give form to her experience of reality. Although the works have been conceived and produced in her studio, an ascetic laboratory, far from “plein air”, the awareness of the historic moment through which she brings them to life and the dramas which tinge it, are present in the expression of her inner experience.  Albeit, “the motive” almost ends up being unrecognisable, hidden by the vibrations of cold lights in an exquisitely shifting assembly of rays and reflections.

Mallorca, 2002


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